Rasing your frequencies

Everything in the entire Universe is made up of ENERGY.️

We are Energetic Beings and the energies we expose ourselves to and the state we live from is very important for our well-being.

Everything has a FREQUENCY.

🤢Low frequencies include states like anger, fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, etc

Higher frequencies are states and feelings of LOVE, JOY, HAPPINESS, contentment, peace, etc

🧠Can you feel the difference in you?… in your physical body, emotions and thoughts when you are in differing states? 
These have a massive impact on our wellness both mind and body and the two are very connected which is why we always look at the body holistically.

Energy affects us all…whether positive or negative, and it all has an impact!

I intuitively know and feel what situations, thoughts and environments (even with people and work environments) affect and impact my energy field.

I can FEEL the frequency change or exchange between different states. 

What we choose to surround ourself with matters.

Awareness is a key element to changing up your beautiful LIFE to make it the BEST one!!

It’s a conscious CHOICE. It translates to daily life!

Have your heard...everybody talking about ‘raising your frequencies’, ‘raising your vibration’ ⁉️

 YES ...we can do that in many ways.

I use a number of tools for this daily.

These include mindfulness techniques, movement, eft tapping, breath work, meditation, aromatically changing my state with doTERRA pure essential oils, light, sound, of course various body therapies including reflexology and reiki for this for whatever I need adjusting!!! And my latest game-changer….the Healy wearable which works alongside all of these perfectly!

I wouldn’t be without HEALY in my daily life now and I use it every single day!!

Healy works great for me for physical complaints and it is so quick to turn around my emotional & mind state if I’m feeling overwhelmed, wobbly, or stressed!

I can feel the difference!!

🧬It increases the frequency of my body and the health & mutual communication within my entire being!

What difference does HEALY programs make in my daily life? 

What does HEALY do for me?

✅ I sleep better & wake up rested 

✅ I have relaxed & processed through an enormous time of stress with strength

✅ I have been able to rejuvenate 

✅ I have less back pain (almost gone)

✅ I am less overwhelmed

✅ My skin is youthful 

✅ I am more relaxed

✅ I am more motivated

✅ I am fitter & more toned

✅ I have less tension 

✅ I have more energy

✅ I have more focus

✅ I’ve felt my body detox

✅ I have more positive feelings

✅ I have more joy

✅ I am more patient with myself & others 

✅ I have less pain in my body 

✅ I have kept jaw/head/tooth pain without meds while awaiting surgery!

I wouldn’t be without my daily person frequency device for optimum wellness regime! 

Mount Maunganui Health Fitness Wellness.jpeg

Would you like a Healy session? Would you like your own Healy? 

Contact me I’ll get you started, education & guidance➕

Yours in health,

Michelle x




We are energy!