What’s important to you in this life?
Love, Freedom, Authenticity, Purpose, Community, Relationship, Service, and Faith are some of my core motivators.
I want freedom so I’m always trying to move forward with truth and grace whilst learning more patience (that still needs lots of work as I like to move fast ), and leading from the heart with compassion and loving purpose.
So what helps? Patience and Trust. Two tough ones that always need working on and staying in alignment with my values. Valuing self and living in truth and authenticity dispels fear and dishonesty. This can be super challenging and painful. But IF we overcome these obstacles we can live more free and happy emotionally, financially, spiritually, and physically. Who wants to live in pain and fear right? Let it go. Tell it to F off and Stand True to You and let others meet you if they want to. And we have to keep letting it go of shit...flush it and move on...it’s a tricky thing sometimes
Where do we need to look to honor ourselves and ask what serves us for our highest good and purpose?
Am I getting what I need to feel honored, loved, heard, and valued? Do I feel loved? Am I loving myself? Am I valued and valuing myself? Do I feel heard and am I listening to myself?
If one of them or some of them are no then there’s a need to evaluate and live in courage and compassion and not take the lesser road.
Dig deep. Living an authentic life listening and learning and trusting something higher than me that’s leading and feeding my soul.
This is what freedom looks like for me!
Yours in health,